Are you heading to college and anxious about what to expect?
Gain a competitive edge before starting your university classes by attending one of our immersive pre-college sessions!
Receive key insights into thriving in your new academic setting by learning about:
Strategies for successfully navigating the college experience
Academic preparation and expectations
Developing your individual academic plan
Adjusting to your new environment and increased responsibilities
Balancing coursework and extracurricular activities
Social networking pitfalls
Staying safe on campus
Click HERE for upcoming sessions.
No upcoming small-group programs listed in our calendar of events? We can schedule one for your students.
One-on-one consultations and individualized plans are available.
Schedule your free consultation HERE!

To register for updates on workshop offerings,
please complete the form HERE.
Expert Guidance for College Success:
Programs include:
College 101: A Primer for the New College Student
Achieving Your Academic Goals
How to Manage Your Time in College
College Living and Wellness
Getting Ready for Your Career
Browse the Summer 2024 Schedule HERE
"I completed a fantastic workshop on achieving my academic goals today! It was very informative and helpful for me now as I am heading to college. Their team is full of highly skilled PhD-level professionals who focus on giving you the keys you need to succeed in your academics and career. I highly recommend ATCG. They have helped me clearly identify my goals, focus on them, and find tangible ways to reach them."